Artist, Graphic Designer, and Illustrator



Hi to you. I’m Emily.

I’m an artist, graphic designer and illustrator with a BFA in drawing and graphic design and a minor in Art History. I am fortunate to work as a self-employed designer in my home-state of Missouri after spending many years of my career based in New York City.

I am a dedicated runner, coach and journaler (thanks to Julia Cameron and The Artist’s Way). I’m fond of Murakami books, “Before Sunrise” trilogy, puppies, psychology and the history of things like Tartan, braids and the American West.

I aim to live life and produce work that could be described as: Spirited, Unique, & Authentic

To get even more specific here are a few more North Star adjectives that I like to infuse into my work: Sensory, Western, Vintage, Delightful, Graphic, Folksy, Textural, Cultural, Surrealist, Synergetic, Spiritual…

Wondering how this manifests visually? (I don’t blame you.) My aesthetic can be partially experienced through my portfolio and this mega pin board .

My design career:

As a self-employed artist, illustrator, and designer, I provide clients with wide array of design services. These range from full visual branding services, custom illustrations, to creative consultation, and more.

I utilize this skillset to make branded elements (or worlds!) that have multiple touch-points. I love working with clients who believe in the creative process, have a strong set of values, and like to see their ideas translated into these visual realities.

Within the decade of my professional experience, I designed for seven years for Barneys New York ultimately managing brand design across print, digital, and product design teams. During my career I have also collaborated closely with the founders of Vibe Tribe Creative on over 100 client projects as a branding designer, illustrator and collage artist.

Early in my career I was lucky enough to dabble in the world of fashion and media. I was selected as one of four young creatives in the StyleCaster incubator program and was featured in the Wall Street Journal for my work as a brand ambassador and designer for New York-based fashion/tech start-up Stylitics. As an undergrad I interned for Donna Karan where I sourced fabrics and assisted at NYFW. As a deeply curious person, I loved seeing how all the facets of the creative process came together to make a final product.

A mind map for the road. ✌️

More creativity:

Personal projects have always fanned my creative flame. I am currently working on multiple personal projects including writing and illustrating my own children’s book and perpetually building visual mind-maps. In one of my favorite personal projects to date, I chronicled my Italy-based Art Restoration and Conservation workshop experience in a book of images and essays.

Thanks for spending time with me,



Reach Out

Connect with me via my Connect page, through or DM @emilykarmstrong

more fun @ collageGarbagio