Artist, Graphic Designer, and Illustrator

Running. West. Project

Running. West.

An original Multi-media project exploring space, freedom, meaning.

About the project

Running Feelings, Collage, 2022.


In 2021 I began creating art around the lore of the American West and its relationship with the practice of distance running. This investigation at the time felt essential. I was coming to terms with a decade spent in New York, part of which was through Covid, where I felt my spatial freedom and ability to move freely had diminished almost entirely.

Both the West and Running held significance for me. The symbolism of the American West, instilled from a childhood growing up in Texas and Missouri, the starting point of historical trails West (Oregon, Santa Fe), was always of interest. As for running, I took up the practice more intently in 2019 during a turbulent time in the fashion industry and into the pandemic lockdown in NYC. I saw running as a way to explore, escape and hope, I imagine, much as pioneers did when they went west.

The combination of the concepts of the American West and of running seemed to unlock a large metaphor containing symbols for freedom, space and hope.

Call it Apophenia, curiosity or an existential search. Here I share some of the ways I worked through investigating these concepts visually. Everything is process.

The master mind-map

An imperfect exploration mapping my references of American western lore and the practice of running.

Running. West., Mind Map Collage, 2022.

Further exploration

by way of photo and collage

Running the Katy Trail, Photo, 2021.

Nostalgic West, Collage, 2021.

Running the Katy Trail, Photo, 2021.

Photos were shot while running on the Katy Trail in 2021. This gravel path “runs” the length of the State of Missouri, east to west.

The top collage, Nostalgic West, is my collection of my favorite American west references.

The bottom collage, Running Mechanics, is my exploration of body tenacity and rhythm during strenuous, hot runs.

Running Mechanics, Collage, 2022.

Running the Katy Trail, Photo, 2021.


The full effect