Artist, Graphic Designer, and Illustrator

The Hot Yoga Sanctuary Branding

The Hot Yoga Sanctuary


Studio founder Ashley Griffin is an experienced yoga instructor, entrepreneur and Lululemon ambassador. Her studio, based in Livingston, New Jersey, is The Hot Yoga Sanctuary.

In 2021, Ashley came to me with an exciting challenge- to design branding that evoked the sense of serenity and clarity that her studio offers.


The branding process


When forming the branding, I looked at the studio practice for inspiration. Triangle shapes are often represented in yoga asanas. I took note of this geometry and partnered this shape with another yogic reference, the third eye chakra, the center of intuition.



Making of a mark

To add spice, femininity and movement to the logo – the studio clientele predominantly identifies as female – I introduced a simple wave to the type and mark. The overall effect of the branding expresses an understanding of the client and reflects the type of experience the studio offers – one of clarity, flowing geometric movement, serenity.

My process, featured below, involves an initial sketching phase and a focus on geometric structure.

Ashley in King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana). The pose reflects the natural triangular shape of the brand mark.

Images captured in The Hot Yoga Sanctuary by Melanie Porras Photography.


Actualized in the studio

The studio space is filled with soft wood textures and geometric light fixtures.

Images captured in The Hot Yoga Sanctuary by Melanie Porras Photography.